We left late around 10am... We are on our way !!
Our first stop... The starting point of uphill stretch along Sg Rusa -> Sg Pinang.
We are then intimidated by some superbikers.. who later on turned back and overtook us at 10 times the speed..
Yeay !! We reached the Dam.. We are allowed to cycle into the park where the Dragon Boat rowers' tents are and the sponsors tents too..
We got free 100 Plus :P Jessie and I took turns to grab them as we were kinda thirsty..
After taking pictures around the Dam.. we headed back...
Oh my... 18KMs to reach home.. and it is already lunch time..
The downhill section.... wwweeeee...... Jessie nearly fell, emergency brake and the bike skidded nearly 90 degrees one way and then the other... Thank God she did not even fell off the bike.

Our route today... Total of 30.5 km... Not too bad... Let's see what awaits me tomorrow..
wehh... nice trip ikutan atuh...