Won bidding of a Kona CoilAir Supreme in ebay. The frame is 90% new, the first owner is pro rider. Communicate with the seller in few emails, get to know that he decided change to XC riding instead of Freeride. To me, I gonna to build the bike into All Mountain type. Will put a XC type crank on it. Very happy after won the bidding but also start to worry about my pocket, I gonna to fainted next month after receive the card bill.
Oct 31, 2008, Fri noon
Received an email from my friend who in US that moment for his business trip saying that he received the package. So happy the shipment arrives in time. Ask my friend to snap a photo of the parcel to show me.
Nov 01, 2008, Sat Morning
Received email from my friend he has to ask his colleague who is re-locate in US at that moment to help me bring back the bike frame due to the frame packaging is over the standard size and cannot be shipped. His colleague only will be back on June 2009. OMG!!! What a nightmare. What else can I do, just can wait.
Wait... Wait... Wait...
And Wait... Wait... Wait... Wait... again...
Time flying, very fast celebrate last day of 2008 and welcome the first day of 2009. Then CNY, then June come.
June 9, 2009, Tue Morning
Received email from my friend's colleague, the shipment arrive in Penang safely. What a good news. I can get my long-waiting frame finally.

June 13, 2009, Sat Morning
Bring my frame to Lim Bicycle shop to assemble into complete bike. Swap all the components from my old Giant NRS to the new frame.
After fully build up then take a photo of the bike. Can see all old component

Items need to upgrade:
1.) Crank
2.) FD
3.) RD
4.) Seat post (borrow from another AEG member, Kona seat post size is very odd size 30mm diameter, need to pre-order)
5.) Handlebar
6.) Stem
7.) Wheelset
8.) Pedal
9.) Chain
10.) Headset
Part by part purchase... slowly build the bike into totally new bike...
Get Kona Wah Wah pedal for better grip performance

The next thing after build up the bike, sure is take photo lah... and of course hop on and ride...
Cheers and happy riding.
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