Thursday, October 1, 2009
Penang Hill MTB DH Race on 27 Sept 2009 prt 2
Hope enjoy the video
Monday, September 28, 2009
Penang Hill MTB DH Race on 27 Sept 2009
I was been told by Johnson that we have an assignment from Penang DH team 2 days before the race, we been assigned to be videographer for that day. It’s our pleasure to have chance to be videographer in such great event. Johnson was trying to get another Canon 500D for me so that both of us can take full HD video but the plan was turned down the night before the race and I have to use a normal quality viewcam to record the race but Johnson still can record full HD video by using his Canon 500D, that is still not total bad news.
Total 30 downhillers participate in this race. The qualifying race starts around 9.30am. After qualifying race all qualified for final race rider have chance to take some light breakfast before the final race. Final race starts around 11.30am. The race end 12.30pm.
Here is the video and hope all enjoy the video.
Dan & Johnson
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Mountain bike jumping and resting
Recently just did the mountain bike jump again in Penang Youth Park MTB trail and this time is with Johnson's full HD video SLR camera. In earlier post I did mentioned about this and I not going to repeat again here.
In this post, just thought of sharing some short video of jumping riding and some photo resting after battle the whole hill.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Full HD, Canon 500D, Mountain bike
Few years back, digital camera with video recording feature is no more new thing for user but SLR camera with video feature is definitely new technology, thanks to camera manufacturer, they never stop to bring new technology to us - consumer, they come out with embeded video feature SLR camera. In another word, we need to save more money to buy new gadget. SLR camera is the highest end camera in the product line up and for sure the camera manufacturer will not put in any cheap skill video technology in it, they introduce the new full HD video SLR camera. Full HD - full High Definition, 1920 X 1080 pixels in 16:9 ratio wide screen which creates a frame resolution of 2,073,600 pixels in total.
Now a day, a lot of movie maker starts to make their movie in full HD format. What is benefit of full HD video versus normal conventional video? I believe a lot of people knows the different between full HD video and conventional video. Full HD video produce sharper and finer image. The latest full HD video recorder offers reasonable low price but yet still provide very high quality video.
One of our team member - Johnson, just bought a Canon 500D SLR camera, the camera is with build-in full HD video feature. He made few HD videos by using this new camera. The quality is superb nice with non fast moving video. We would like to show you a sample of the video and hope everyone enjoy the video below.
After the non moving video testing, we decided to test the camera with some fast moving action video such like our favorite sport - mountain biking. We decided to re-visit Penang Youth Park Number 3 trail again but this time is with full HD camera. Our intention this time is not to record the trail, we had the full trail last time in one of June posting, our purpose of this trip is to test out the HD video and capture some nice scene of Penang MTB trail and promote Penang MTB trail in our blog.
Hope everyone enjoy the video, especially the green of the trail. This is the short one and hopefully Johnson can edit a longer version one soon and sure we will put it in our blog again once we have the longer version video.
Cheers Dan & Johnson
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mountain bike, suffer, fun, 最緊要好玩
I am not a crazy type rider, I play aggressive but definitely not crazy. I have very lousy skill and I learn a lot of lessons when everytime I push myself beyond my limit. No matter how much price I need to pay, I just can't resist to try it again and again. I cracked my helmet, crack my ribs and palm bone but I still hop on my bike after recover. Mountain biking is a sport you will get addicted after you try for the very first time. It has magic power to attract you to continue.
Palm bone fracture after Nibong Tebal Jamboree 21 June 2009, from the X-ray photo, can see a small screw put inside the bone to align the bone to original position.
The X-ray photo before put screw, obviously can see the bone is break into 2 and already dislocation.
We didn't capture video how high I airborne flying and how I crashed, all I heard from Johnson is he saw me airborne and landed but he not too sure why I crash after the landing. But we did capture some videos after crash, Teoh is giving me some anticeptic spray. That's real pain.
No matter how, after 1 month plus be a good boy stay at home, then I start to hop up on my bike again to try out something mild, riding in my flat's multi storey carpark and some road riding.
Mountain bike sport is very depend on the rider's thinking to see how he/she enjoy the process. The process of pedaling uphill could be exhausted and suffering, everytime I will ask myself why I want to take this suffer, by this clock I should still lying on my lovely bed and just kill the time by doing nothing, why I just not to do so but come to nowhere in the middle of jungle and suffering leg muscle pain and lung explode pain. Well, the rewards is something can't describe with words, when after all efforts put in to pedal uphill and finally standing at the top of the hill and see down, the earth is under my feet. The feeling is so much enjoy. And the most important thing is the next thing you going to enjoy is the downhill. This is the greatest rewards. Mountain biking is a fun activity, just depend on you, how to enjoy it. You find the way to enjoy it then mountain biking will be fun and if you don't then you will find some crazy people doing some crazy thing. Sam Hui (許冠傑) sing a song name 最緊要好玩 (Fun is most important thing), we just need to enjoy every moment in our life no matter it is pain and joy, just like doing mountain biking. No matter how suffer uphill, then the joy will come. Play hard and enjoy is the most important thing. I hope all will enjoy my video below.
Cheers Dan
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Gambir Hill Trail prt. 1
Sunday morning, heavy rain in midnight. The trail become wet and slippery. After do some preparation, such as seat angle adjustment and tires pressure check up, Teoh and I start ride. It's easy ride up, can still chit chating while pedal up (I would consider this trail is super easy ride up) while enjoying the green of the trail. If you look carefully on the grass beside the trail, you can see frogs, some unknown insects, bugs, lizards and some time you can see snakes (eventually I saw snake yesterday). But, this trail is very safe to ride, those creatures will not attack human unless their life in threaten. We take the trail heading to Paya Terubong, took us about 40 minutes to reach the junction to Paya Terubong. Take some rest then we start our video action.
Every time do video, sure very exhausted pushing the bike up again and again to get best shot. Teoh and I quit after few times push up our bike again and again and we decided to continue the video for the rest of trail section next week. Just to share the video we got yesterday and hope everybody enjoy the video. This video is just sneak preview part 1 and we will do another video this coming Sunday and will be sneak preview part 2. We have no idea when we will have full version video for this trail but for sure we will try to do our best to record the whole trail and share with all riders. Nothing big deal than sharing, cheers Teoh and Dan
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Bike and free time
Some people spend their time enjoy natural scene
Some enjoy good foods
And gathering with friends
Some spend few hours a week do sport such like badminton, soccer, basketball, tennis and many more... and kung fu action

For me, I will spend 70% of my free time with my bike (I am so glad that my wife allow me to spend 70% but not 0%). How could it be possible I can spend my 70% of free time to do biking? I don't have other things to do? Let me tell you all how I do it, everyday come back from work I always can do some riding near my house area. It not necessary to be hill, the fun biking place can be just in the multi-level car park, curb of road side and many more... Here, I would like to show you all a mtb video taken after I come back from work in weekday. Doing some skill practicing, staircase descent. It's not too hard for me to do with my Kona CoilAir. In fact, I just feel like I am sitting in a very comfortable car which the absorber of the car 'eat' up all the steps.
Again, nothing big deal than sharing and enjoy the ride. Everybody can enjoy their ride in their daily free time.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Kona CoilAir Supreme build diary
Won bidding of a Kona CoilAir Supreme in ebay. The frame is 90% new, the first owner is pro rider. Communicate with the seller in few emails, get to know that he decided change to XC riding instead of Freeride. To me, I gonna to build the bike into All Mountain type. Will put a XC type crank on it. Very happy after won the bidding but also start to worry about my pocket, I gonna to fainted next month after receive the card bill.

After fully build up then take a photo of the bike. Can see all old component

The next thing after build up the bike, sure is take photo lah... and of course hop on and ride...
Cheers and happy riding.
Bunny Hop Practicing
We can use bunny hop skill to clear some obstacle objects such rocks and roots on trail while doing XC riding. Some time in our riding, we meet some unavoidable obstacle in front of our way, some time if we just hit on the obstacle, could possible cause some unwanted circumstances happen. Rider always can stop in front of the obstacle and push their bike over the obstacle and then continue the riding but we also can just sit on saddle and use bunny hop technique to clear the obstacle and continue pedal without put our feet on ground. It just sounds so easy in the paper. Can start practicing the bunny hop by jumping off a low object first. Pedal some speed and lift the handlebar then lift rear wheel to clear the object. I been practicing the skill for long time but I still need very long time to able to master this skill, be frankly. From the video attached, you can see me trying my best to do the best bunny hop but seems like I still need more practicing to make it perfect. I am just beginner in this mountain bike hobby, a lot more need to learn.
This just a sharing. Nothing big deal than sharing and enjoy.
Cheers and enjoy the video.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Our 1st Round Island Trip

Friday, July 3, 2009
Project NRS - Day2
By the end of 2nd Day.. Project NRS completed.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Project NRS - Day1
End of Day 1... middle of the night...
Monday, June 29, 2009
Project NRS
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Mt Erskine DH
Monday, June 22, 2009
This is the first time I am joining a Jamboree, I just realise, if you end up at the middle of the group when you are offroad and uphilling, you are doomed.. You are forced to join the crowd to push the bike up...
This was the Team's worst nightmare. KMChew's fork leaked !! All the air and oil came out from the middle of the tube..
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Saddle for weight and comfort

* Anatomic groove
* Synthetic leather cover
* Hollow chrome-moly rails
* 150mm width
* 277mm long
* Black
* 355gm
* Combines the wedge tail of the Rocket V and the drop nose of SST
* Flex-tuned Comfort Zone dual density shell. Love Channel soft tissue pressure relief groove
* Kevlar corners, lightweight DNA padding
Then recently, I got a great deal for a Bontrager Race Lite Saddle. The moment I lifted it, I felt that it was really light !! And the material was quite good too. My doubt was, it will not be comfortable.. However, after a few test rides.. It was proven to be as comfortable as the WTB... and since it helped me shave 150g off my bike's weight.. I am very happy with it

Bontrager Race Lite Saddle
* Superlight padding helps keep the saddle weight low
* Same great design as the Race X Lite
* Lux model has double the padding of the standard Race Lite saddle
* Cover : Synthetic Leather
* Rails : Hollow Stainless Steel
* Size : 278mm / 135mm
* Gender : Unisex
* Color : Black / Black
* Weight : 200g